THE website to help you buy, cook and eat delicious healthy seasonal food

For your health


The health of our planet

"The food we choose to eat can reverse climate change, heal your body, and ultimately save the world" - Kiss the Ground, Josh Tickell

Healthy eating is so much more than What we choose to eat...

We need to also consider How, Where & When it is grown

Eating food in Season is the first easy step we can all take to heal our health

Whether you’re a meat-eater, flexitarian, pescatarian, vegetarian or are eating a 100% plant-based / vegan diet, the choice of the food you buy to eat - where, when and how it's farmed can fundamentally make a difference to your health, and the health of our planet

What's in Season?

Check out all the wonderful foods in season now.  Plus recipes and videos to help you get inspired, improve your health

Created by Nutrition Trained Chefs & Nutritional Therapists, we bring you recipes, health & wellness information, food waste reduction tips, and so much more. Sign up below

Created by Nutrition trained Chefs

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Get practical, healthy cooking tips, recipes, food waste reduction tips, and details about our Health guides and programs and lots of other great information about enjoying seasonal food, straight to your inbox 


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